


  1. 回顾本港甲型肝炎的流行病学与防控措施 (二零一六年一月) (只备英文版)
  2. 戊型肝炎在香港的预防与流行病学(二零一一年一月)(只备英文版)
  3. 本港甲型肝炎流行病学的转变及其控制策略(二零零六年九月)(只备英文版)



  1. Lam RK. Elimination of Hepatitis B and C in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Medical Diary 2020; 25(8): 5-7.(只备英文版)
  2. Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health. Summary on the recent upsurge of hepatitis A infection among MSM in Hong Kong. Communicable Diseases Watch 2017; 14(24): 96-7.(只备英文版)
  3. Lin AW, Wong KH. Surveillance and response of hepatitis B virus in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, 1988-2014. Western Pac Surveill Response J 2016; 7(1):24-8.(只备英文版)
  4. Lin AW, Sridhar S, Wong KH, et al. Epidemiology of sexually transmitted viral hepatitis in human immunodeficiency virus-positive men who have sex with men in Asia. J Formos Med Assoc 2015; 114(12): 1154-61.(只备英文版)
  5. Chan DP, Lin AW, Wong KH, et al. Diverse origins of hepatitis C virus in HIV co-infected men who have sex with men in Hong Kong. Virol J 2015; 12: 120.(只备英文版)
  6. Lin AW, Wong KH. Long-term protection of neonatal hepatitis B vaccination in a 30-year cohort in Hong Kong. J Hepatol 2013; 59(6): 1363-4.(只备英文版)


  1. 本港丙型肝炎感染之公共卫生重要性的共识意见文件(二零零一年)(只备英文版)
  2. Hepatitis B Vaccination Programme in Public Services in Hong Kong - protocol update 2001(只备英文版)
  3. Hepatitis B Vaccination Programme in Public Services in Hong Kong - a protocol update 1998(只备英文版)
  4. Prevention and Control of Viral Hepatitis transmitted via Enteric Route - consensus of the Scientific Working Group on Viral Hepatitis Prevention(一九九八年九月)(只备英文版)
  5. Hepatitis B Vaccination in Public Service - Current Protocol(一九九六年四月)(只备英文版)