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  1. The Global Hepatitis Programme published Prevention and Control of Viral Hepatitis Infection: Framework for Global Action in 2012 [35], and the Western Pacific Regional Office of WHO published the Regional action plan for viral hepatitis in the Western Pacific 2016 - 2020 in 2015 [16]. Both documents define awareness, surveillance, prevention and treatment as the four axes of control strategies, and emphasise the importance of an action plan to galvanise society into focused and coordinated action.
  2. This Action Plan adopts the four-axis framework of action of WHO: awareness, surveillance, prevention and treatment. Priority actions in each axis for achieving the WHO targets of viral hepatitis elimination have been developed.
  3. Of note, the timelines for strategy actions are interdependent. For example, awareness campaigns to promote hepatitis testing hinge on the workforce required to manage the ensuing increased demand.